
It's all in a days work

It's all in a days work
As we are getting our first real push of cold air from the north, and our golden rod is all but played out, it can only mean one thing for me, it's time to bring in all our honey supers.

My method of maintaining a colony of bees, 3 deeps stacked on top of each other, 2 for brood boxes and one as the honey super, works great for me here in the deep south. However, come the end of October, when the Goldenrod is just about dried up signifying the end of our nectar flow, I'm wanting to bring in the honey supers, and get our hives situated to go through the winter with only 2 deeps on it. The other great thing about bringing in the third super is any honey that is in it I will process, and the blend of spring/fall honey is such a great tasting honey. The mixture of tallow, privit, and goldenrod honey is very unique, and I am very fond of it.

Over the course of 3 days, with the help of Good Time Charlie and Dr. Billy, we managed to bring in almost 90 supers with 18 of them containing enough honey for us to process. The video shows some of what we do as go through the boxes and then load them into the van. Of course, there are a few surprises on this video that you will just have to find out for yourself what they are. I hope you will enjoy this wrangling adventure. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed

PS As I announced in the video, I will be one of the many guest speaker at the upcoming LBA State Convention from December 5-7 in Pineville, La. along with my good buddies the 628 Dirt Rooster, and Schawee. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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