
Newsflash, YouTube: I Am A MILLENNIAL, Not A 'Boomer'(which I assume is slang for baby boomer)

Newsflash, YouTube: I Am A MILLENNIAL, Not A 'Boomer'(which I assume is slang for baby boomer) For those of you on YouTube who keep calling me a "boomer" as an insult (which I assume is slang for a baby boomer), let me break it down for you. A baby boomer refers to anyone born after World War 2 and before the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. So, essentially, a baby boomer means anyone born between 1946 and 1964. Generation X refers to anyone born between 1965 and 1981. Millennial refers to anyone born between 1982 and 2000, and generation z refers to anyone born between 2001 and the present. Given the fact that I was born in 1984, that makes me a MILLENNIAL, not a baby boomer, or "boomer" for short. If you're going to throw around these Internet terms and use them as insults, at least get it right.


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