
Poisonous or Edible Mushrooms

Poisonous or Edible Mushrooms If you are not sure that the next forest found is really safe, then you should first turn the mushroom and carefully examine its cap from the inside. All the "forest brothers" are divided into two large subspecies, the first of which has a layer of spores, called the hymenophore, which appears in the form of plaques. It is in this group that poisonous mushrooms are more common and represent a serious threat to life and human health. In the second fungus, the hymenophore has the form of small tubes and resembles a soft porous coating. These mushrooms are rarely poisonous, although every rule has its exceptions. First of all, it concerns the so-called porcini mushrooms, called boletus, in which there are several poisonous twins. They can also be determined by the internal appearance of the hood, which has a pinkish tinge. Moreover, if you cut a boletus, very blue spots will appear on his leg very soon. This looks very dangerous and toxic hydrocyanic acid, whose presence - the first sign that the fungus should not be eaten. Often in the forest they come across mushrooms that seem quite edible, but they can pose a real threat to humans. Therefore, there is a universal way to control them for safety, so you have to touch the tongue for the slice on the leg. If you feel bitter, you can safely throw the prey, because such a fungus cannot be eaten. Thus, even among apparently harmless syrups, at first sight, they can identify their perfidious twins, who, with the onset of autumn, begin their own hunt for people. By the way, it is the taste of many expert mushroom pickers that determine the fake butter and fake chanterelles, difficult to distinguish from edible mushrooms.

By the way, fake chanterelles are often misled even by those who have repeatedly collected them in the forest. Therefore, in order. in order not to make a mistake, we must carefully consider the finding, drawing attention to the intensity of the color of the hood and leg. In inedible chanterelles, the hat has an intense orange hue, and the foot, while approaching the root, does not become light, but is dark brown. Furthermore, it is worth considering that fake chanterelles have thinner legs and do not have characteristic densities near the cork.WHICH ARE EDIBLE MUSHROOMS

Beauty can play tricks. Poisonous mushrooms sometimes hide behind shimmering colors, sinuous shapes, an inviting appearance. And unfortunately there are a series of false beliefs that confuse the waters in identifying really edible mushrooms.HOW TO RECOGNIZE EDIBLE MUSHROOMS

For example, it is absolutely false that a poisonous mushroom can be recognized through the garlic (or onion) test, or if it blackens these condiments during its cooking. As it is not true that poisonous mushrooms can be recognized by smell or appearance, position and color. It is false that white mushrooms are all edible, and it is not true that all those that grow under chestnut trees are safe. To avoid unpleasant surprises, the best thing is to proceed to the opposite, that is to say first of all which mushrooms are surely edible. In this video, very well done, you find the top 15, and as you can see there is a wide choice available to you.EDIBLE MUSHROOMS TABLE

Here are some useful tips on how to recognize the different edible mushroom species:

The Russules are divided into different varieties, almost all edible except one, the Russula Emetica characterized by an intense red hat.

Among the other edible species there are also the porcini mushrooms, one of the most known and valuable species, the Mazze di drum, the Galletti and the Amanite Caesarea to be absolutely confused with the Amanita Phaloides, a poisonous variety. Among the other edible species we find Agaricus campestris (Prataiolo), Boletus aereus (Porcino nero), Boletus aestivalis (Porcino reticolato), Calocybe Gambosa (Fungo di San Giorgio) and Cantharellus Cibarius (Chanterelle).

Among the non-edible species we find instead: Agaricus xanthoderma (yellowish Prataiolo), Boletus erythropus (Red stalk), Hypholoma fascicularis (Falsi nails), Omphalotus Olearius (Olive Fungus) and Lactarius Torminosus (Peveraccio of colics).


Remember also that, to avoid any poisoning, it is necessary:

Do not store edible mushrooms and those in doubt in the same basket.

Avoid picking the mushrooms if they are still very small as it is more difficult to understand well which species it is.

Cook the collected edible mushrooms well, in order to make them more digestible.

Store the mushrooms in the refrigerator and consume them within 48 hours of their collection.

If in spite of everything, you believe you have consumed poisonous mushrooms, at the onset of any symptoms, immediately reach the nearest hospital and bring with you a sample of the offending fungus in such a way as to allow the expert personnel to carry out analyzes that allow to understand the toxicity level.

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