
Revealed: Suspects Arrested Previously Disclose Their Sinister Plot | IndiaTV News

Revealed: Suspects Arrested Previously Disclose Their Sinister Plot | IndiaTV News Two suspects arrested last week from Mohali Airport- Lakhwir Singh and Surinder Kaur- have revealed their sinister plot that includes foreign funding and series of grenade blasts across Punjab. Upon interrogation by security agencies, they revealed that they carried a huge cache of explosives to carry out the blasts.

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Terror suspects,Punjab grenade blast,Punjab grenade blast foiled,Mohali Airport,Punjab Special cell,Grenade blast,India tv,india tv live,india tv news today,india tv hindi news,india tv rajat sharma,rajat sharma news channel,इंडिया टीवी,इंडिया टीवी लाइव,रजत शर्मा न्यूज़ चैनल,रजत शर्मा,

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