
What are the Benfits and Drawbacks for Teaching LGBTQ+ Acceptance in Schools?

What are the Benfits and Drawbacks for Teaching LGBTQ+ Acceptance in Schools? For this video, I was asked to explain and expand on my research question in my Concurrent enrollment class; English 1010. The research question was, “What are the benefits and drawbacks for teaching LGBTQ+ acceptance in schools?”. I spend time both inside of class, and out, gaining knowledge about the said subject; looking at schools who have done this before, watching arguments of parents with differing opinions, and even going to the GLSEN website looking at statistics there. All the facts came together in the end once I started writing my Rogerian Essay, but the underlying question still, “should acceptance be taught?”. In my personal opinion, it is a no brainer for acceptance to be taught in schools, of course, yes. But it turns out, that answer isn’t as easy for others to come to. There are still arguments of when should LGBTQ+ acceptance should start being taught in schools (elementary/middle/High school), and what is appropriate to teach. The discussion is never ending, but from what I have seen, and pushed through, the benefits of teaching LGBTQ+ acceptance outweighs the drawback 5-1. The only “real” concern I saw was from the parents who are thoroughly against having their children learn about others is because it would “influence” them into going into an LGBTQ+ lifestyle with is strictly against their religion. But it makes one think, what could be the cons to being accepting and open?

Thank you for watching my video. I had a wonderful and eye-opening time creating this for you all, and bring my best wishes upon you. I also hope in my soul that this makes you really think about others and how to improve the world, because to be honest, we are far from perfect, and always have room to improve.


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