Calories are generally a unit of measurement used to determine the amount of energy contained inside of something. Just like rocket fuel provides the rocket with energy – people use food for fuel. An average human burns 2,500 calories throughout the day. So you need to consume relatively the same 2,500 calories in a day to maintain yourself in the same shape you currently are. But what would happen if you ate 100,000 calories in a single day? Is that even possible?
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#calories #healthydiet #brightside
- An average human burns 2,500 calories throughout the day, depending on their size and metabolism. That’s more than enough energy to boil a little under 2 gallons of water.
- 100,000 calories is an energy value of 42 gallons of whole milk – that’s a bathtub filled to the brim with milk we’re talking about.
- That would be a pepperoni pizza roughly 100 ft in diameter. Or, if you prefer burgers, it would about 300 reasonably sized cheeseburgers.
- If yes, then you need to consider your future as an absolute champion in competitive eating. There are a lot of them around the globe.
- The champions among them claim to have eaten up to 200,000 calories during one such tour from one contest to another.
- One competitive eater stated that he once chewed his way through as much as 20,000 calories in one meal.
- But these people are surprisingly fit, spending most of their days eating pretty humble meals and doing a ton of hardcore workouts in a gym.
- Remember, anything even remotely close to the competitive eating standards of over 10,000 calories is extremely dangerous, and can be approached only by trained people.
- Men can naturally eat more than women, and a growing and maturing teenager can eat much more than just about anyone.
- The sensation of the Olympic Games, American swimmer Michael Phelps, is also an eater of Olympic scale.
- Three fried eggs, toast with a lot of vegetables, a five-egg omelet, three French toasts, a bowl of grits and two cups of coffee – that’s just breakfast!
- For an ordinary person, anything beyond 2,500 calories per day would lead to gaining excess weight.
- 100,000 calories worth of food would be equal to 29 pounds of pure fat.
- But having body fat is only half of the problem, the real problems begin when around 10% of this fat turns into so-called visceral fat.
- An overweight person is also more likely to have problems with internal balance, sweating, and most of all – with the heart pumping like it’s going to blow up.
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